Monday, October 4, 2021

Ultimate Human, Ultimate Avengers, New Comics

Some more new comics!

Die 20

A lot of talking and meta discussion about the positive benefits of playing role playing games.  Not what I was expecting, and not in a good way.  This may read better in one sitting.

Black Cat 10

I’m really starting to worry that I’m not getting enough sleep.  I haven’t really enjoyed anything for about a week now, even the new comics.  It feels uncharacteristic.  Or is it really possible that I’ve just hit a rough stretch of issues?

Superman: Son of Kal-El 3

I mean, I’m not even enjoying Tom Taylor’s work!  (And I’m not holding out hope for the Seven Secrets sitting on my to-read pile.)  Everything this is too on the nose, and while Taylor usually makes that a strength, it falls flat here with Jon’s “my dad was an immigrant too” spiel and his goodbye with Clark.  I can’t believe I’m considering cutting this.  

Ultimate Human 1-4

Warren Ellis and Cary Nord tell a simple little adventure where Tony cures Bruce from the Hulk, but then needs to permanently reverse the procedure in order to defeat the Leader (mixed together with the Ellis-created Pete Wisdom here in the Ultimate universe).  Perfectly readable, but nothing more.

Regret buying: No

Would buy again: No

Would read again: Yes

Rating: Nice

Ultimate Comics Avengers 1-6

I’d forgotten that Mark Millar came back to write this comic, drawn by Carlos Pacheco.  This one pits Captain America and the new post-Ultimatum Avengers against the Red Skull (Cap’s illegitimate son).  Millar has no problem making Skull completely reprehensible.  This isn’t top-tier Pacheco, but it’s still good.  The fourth straight Nice series I’ve read, which feels like another sign that I’m sleepwalking through these issues.

Regret buying: No

Would buy again: No

Would read again: Yes

Rating: Nice

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