Saturday, August 17, 2019

Scion, The Secret, Secret Service: Kingsman

Scion 1-7
Hey, two Ron Marz titles in a row.  This time, he’s writing a medieval fantasy adventure (with the occasional random smattering of future technology, which makes no sense) for Crossgen comics.  (I would love to read an oral history of that place, it sounds like it was bonkers.) The story’s decent, it feels a lot like the Bant shard from Magic: The Gathering (yes, it came first, I know) with its initial focus on tournament combat supplanting all-out war.

Sigiled Paladin by Greg Staples

Rafiq of the Many by Michael Komarck

This would have been an easy cut, but for the art by Jim Cheung.  Yet even that wouldn’t have been enough - Cheung’s done better work since, and on much more interesting properties.  It’s the bright, exciting colors by Caesar Rodriguez that saves this trade from the cut pile. There’s something greatly appealing about it that keeps me from giving this away.  Thanks, Caesar!

Oh, wait.  Rodriguez is just using the blue and orange trick...

...that just about every movie poster in world employs.

Eh, I don't care.  Everyone does it for a reason.  It looks sweet.

Regret buying: No
Would buy again: No
Would read again: No
Rating: Fine

The Secret 1-4
The rare horror comic in my collection.  I really like the set up - Stupid high school kids crank call random people and say, “I know your secret!”  Naturally, they call the wrong person. Disappearances, creepy houses, and deaths ensue. As with a lot of things I’ve been reading lately, it’s fine.  It’s different enough from what I normally read to keep around, as the execution by Mike Richardson and Jason Shawn Alexander is competent enough. It’s lightweight enough that I can see myself reading it again someday.   

Regret buying: No
Would buy again: No
Would read again: Yes
Rating: Fine

Secret Service: Kingsman 1-6
One of the rare instances where the movie is far, far better than the source material.  Kingsman is a kinetic, funny, exciting movie that holds a place in my movie collection.  Secret Service is one of Millar’s weaker efforts, and reads like a reheated plate of Wanted, which wasn't that good to begin with.  Easy cut, I’d rather rewatch the movie five times before reading this again.

Regret buying: Yes
Would buy again: No
Would read again: No
Rating: Didn’t suck

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