Friday, August 16, 2019

Ruse, Samurai: Heaven and Earth, Ironheart, Batman: Universe, Wonder Woman, Second Coming

New comics!
Second Coming 2
Sunstar is an idiot, God is a putz, and Jesus is a decent fellow.  It’s fascinating to see how Mark Russell characterizes each of them and has them interact with each other.  But it’s starting to get predictable now that the personalities have been set. If Russell doesn’t have any else to say, I don’t see myself going much further with this.

Wonder Woman 76
Purchased entirely for Lee Garbett’s art, which is significant in that I haven’t bought something solely for the penciller in quite some time, I think.  But with the completion of Skyward, I really want to keep following him.  Also, he’s perfectly suited for Princess Diana.  G. Willow Wilson’s story isn’t the most engrossing, but it doesn’t suck, and even has a few standout moments.  (Helped immensely by the art.) If Garbett stays, I’m in for at least a few more months.

Heh.  "You may commence."


Ironheart 9
Riri engages in a clash of wills with Shuri when her adventures take her through Wakanda.  A standard (but fun) team-up quickly brings them together, and I’m looking to their adventure next issue.

Batman Universe 2
Bendis must have loved writing this, as he unleashes quip after quip at his readers.  That’s what it’s all about in this issue, and he has a ridiculously high hit rate.

Never change, Alfred.

Ruse 1-6
Mark Waid and Butch Guice’s take on Sherlock Holmes by way of the CrossGen universe.  It’s perfectly decent, but I’ll never want to read it again.

Regret buying: No
Would buy again: No
Would read again: No
Rating: Fine (Cutting)

Samurai: Heaven and Earth 1-3
Ron Marz wanted to pit a samurai against soldiers around the world, and this is the result.  Marz was on to something, because even though the story’s just okay (with very nice art by Luke Ross), the clash of cultures is indeed something that I greatly enjoyed seeing.  That’s really the sole reason I’m keeping this in my collection.

I love it when comics show me things I've never seen before.

This totally qualifies.

Regret buying: No
Would buy again: No
Would read again: Yes
Rating: Fine

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