Friday, August 2, 2019

Ivar, Timewalker, Moving Pictures

Ivar, Timewalker 1-3
I bought this completely on the strength of the title.  “Ivar, Timewalker!” is so completely evocative, with a great name and a great function.  It’s like saying “Galileo Five!”

It’s really weird how I’ve never gotten in Valiant comics since they rebooted.  From everything that I can tell, they’ve got top notch talent and decent reviews whenever I come across them.  The comics that I do have are interesting enough. But I’ve never really been compelled to keep reading them.  

Ivar, Timewalker (!) completely fits that mold.  I love the premise - Ivar travels back in time to prevent one of the inventors of time travel from inventing time travel. 

The beginning of a beautiful friendship.

Fred Van Lente injects just the right brand of humor into a story this fantastical, balancing it with a nice mix of apprehension as everyone’s motives remain clouded to the reader.  

I’m amused by the idea that every time traveller has tried to kill Hitler at one point or another.  

Except for that last guy.  He's got other plans.

I like Clayton Henry’s art as well.  And yet, I was fine with to stop at three issues.  Didn’t feel the need for more. I spoiled myself on the plot and thought, “Sure, whatever.  I’m good.”

Regret buying: No
Would buy again: No
Would read again: Yes
Rating: Nice

Moving Pictures
I got this with this week’s new comics.  I saw that Stuart Immonen did the art, and it appeared to be about saving works of art in Paris during World War II, which sounded really cool.

Eh, what a mistake.  The story by Kathryn Immonen’s a slog to get through.  I can imagine a version of this tale of two lovers who despise each other, one French, one German, while pursuing their own agenda that’s full of emotion, conflict, and heartbreak.  But the one that I got wasn’t it. I found it confusing and soulless. Stuart Immonen doesn’t help matters, as both the female and male leads have similar looking doppelgangers in the story.  I often couldn’t tell who was who.  

As a new purchase, this will get another read through in the future, but I’m sorely tempted to just cut it the day after I bought it. 

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