Sunday, August 25, 2019

Infinite Loop, Insexts

Infinite Loop 1-6
I noticed this comic on the shelf when it was coming out monthly, and told myself that I’d buy it when it came out in trade.  I didn’t know anything about it, but Elsa Charretier’s art grabbed me in a Bruce Timm-gorgeous kind of way.

Major body sway.  Love the flow of that shadow.

I like how Charretier draws her feet, pointing straight up, one out of the covers.

The art’s still gorgeous, but the story by Pierrick Colinet is kind of a mess.  It’s all an allegory for fighting minority rights, with a focus on LGBT. I’m completely behind the sentiment, but it’s all wrapped up in a technobabble plot that way too much of a chore to slog through.  Teddy’s mission is far too complex for me to process, and I stopped trying to follow what she was doing about halfway through the story.

Is it still an allegory if you list out the steps?

On top of that, her romance with Ano is too perfect for me to buy.  Sure, they’re both super cute and say adorable things to each other, but there’s very little that makes me believe that there’s any depth to their relationship.  They meet cute, sparks fly, and I’m expected to believe that they fall into this amazing pairing just because. I’m rarely one to question an OTP, so it says something that this stretches even my love of all things romantic.

Keeping for the art.  And Google just told me that Charretier was one of the artists on Unstoppable Wasp!  I totally didn’t make that connection beforehand.  Yay her!

Regret buying: No
Would buy again: No
Would read again: No
Rating: Fine

Insexts 1-2
A forbidden relationship between a lady of the house and her maid, with a generous serving of body horror as they regularly mutate into winged praying mantis-type creatures and kill off anyone who’d think of oppressing them.  Truly beautiful art by Ariela Kristantina, but it’s too weird and gross for me.  


Really not.

Regret buying: No
Would buy again: No
Would read again: No
Rating: Fine

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