Thursday, August 8, 2019

Tetris, Future Foundation, Superman: Up in the Sky, Lois Lane

3 new comics this week!
Future Foundation 1
Jeremy Whitley’s follow up to the lamented Unstoppable Wasp.  He’s gathered a bunch of characters in whom I have little to no interest and sent them on an adventure that just as blah.  Quick run down:
Alex Power - Never read Power Pack, don’t care
Julie Power - She was fine in Runaways, but I don’t get anything from her here.
Dragon Man and the Moloids - Don’t care.
Bentley-23 - The Quintin Quire of the group.  So hard to make an annoying character like this likable.  (Jason Aaron managed it with Quire. Whitley doesn’t manage it with Bentley.)
Artie and Leech - Hated them in X-Factor.  Don’t want them here.

And why would you bring back The Maker?  Something about him pisses me off to no end, and not in an entertaining comic book villain kind of way.  

Final dagger comes directly from Whitley’s afterward: “If you’re familiar with some of the other work I’ve done at Marvel, this book may be a little bit of a surprise to you.  I tend to be a writer who likes to focus in on characters, and my books then to stay relatively light on the action. But this isn’t that book.”

Oof.  Soooo...he took everything that was that was awesome about Wasp and decided to go in the opposite direction.  

Sorry, Whitley.  I wanted to like this so much.  Most likely not coming back next month.

Superman: Up in the Sky 2
Superman boxes for half of the issue.  Gets his ass kicked, but his determination somehow convinces his opponent to quit.  Suuure. At least Andy Kubert sells the brutality of the fight.  

The second half has more emotional weight - A healer sacrifices his own life in order to bring Superman out of a coma.  It’s actually quite beautiful and well executed. Nice job by Tom King on this one.  

Lois Lane 2
So it looks like this series is going to be about Lois digging into a mystery, misspelling her stories, working w/ Renee Montoya (yay!) and getting slutshamed by the public for kissing Superman (boo).  Solid enough for now, but I really hope Greg Rucka drops the last bit. It’s no fun to read.

Tetris: The Games People Play
Borrowed from the library.  A neat little history of an amazing game.  I was mainly fascinated by the massively complicated battles for the various publishing rights for the game.  I had no idea that there were so many parties vying for contention. A worthy effort by creator Box Brown.

Would buy? No
Would read again? Yes
Rating: Fine

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