Sunday, August 4, 2019

Memetic, Nothing Better, Oni Color Special, Potter's Field

Memetic 1-3
James Tynion IV’s cool hook brought me in: Someone figures out how to use a meme to destroy the world.  The progression over the course of three days plays out just like Independence Day, as things get exponentially worse over time and a small group of people races against time to find a way to win.  

Top notch design.

The miniseries lost me when the origin of the meme actually turns out to be aliens.  That and the meat towers. Tynion lost me with the meat towers.

So.  Wrong.

I don’t mind that all of humanity dies at the end.  I mind that they died as meat towers.

Regret buying: No
Would buy again: No
Would read again: Yes
Rating: Nice

Nothing Better 1-2
I bought this because I was a fan of Tyler Page’s Stylish Vittles, and mostly likely because they were available at his table at some con I was at.  This was back in 2005. Looking online, he just finished the nineteenth and final issue in 2018.  Props to his persistence, but even at the bargain price of 5 bucks for an online pdf of the whole series, this story about freshman at a Lutheran college isn’t interesting enough for me to continue.  

(I’d love to read a good story about people at university, something reminiscent of my time there.  This isn’t it. Not that it needs to mirror my experiences, but something more evocative.)

Regret buying: No
Would buy again: No
Would read again: No
Rating: Didn’t suck (Cutting)

Oni Color Special 2001
An anthology issue.  Pretty much crap aside from the Brian Michael Bendis story at the beginning - That thing is solid gold, and the only reason I’m keeping this around.  Bendis’ sendup of the indie comics of the day is all the more hilarious for the accuracy of his razor-sharp barbs. His Powers partner, Michael Avon Oeming, nails the various art styles as well, particularly David Mack’s.  Would that I could keep this story as a minicomic and excise the rest.  

So much good stuff in the word art if you take the time.

Going to be reading Red Star in a couple days!

And Bendis can take the piss out of himself, too.

Regret buying: No
Would buy again: Yes
Would read again: Yes
Rating: Fine (Averaging Really good and Stupid)

Oni Color Special 2002
Take the previous issue and subtract Bendis’ story.

Regret buying: Yes
Would buy again: No
Would read again: No
Rating: Stupid (Cutting)

Potter’s Field 1-3
Mark Waid-penned miniseries about a man who investigates cold cases, aided by a Sherlock Holmesian network of irregulars.  Meh. It comes across a mediocre TV procedural.

Regret buying: No
Would buy again: No
Would read again: No
Rating: Didn’t suck (Cutting)

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