Thursday, August 29, 2019

Irredeemable, Judas

Irredeemable 1-37
Irredeemable Special 1
What if Superman snapped and went nuts on the world?  Who would be able to stop him? That’s the story Mark Waid tackles here.  It starts off extremely strong, as the Justice League analog team desperately scrambles to stay alive and grasp at every available straw.  Waid keeps the characters and readers on their toes with a steady stream of plot twists, but goes a step too far once he introduces the aliens.  That when he starts to lose me, and the book degrades from Pretty Good to Nice to Fine by the end. 

The bit that stands out to me is the origin story of the Plutonian - It’s established early on that he bounced from foster family to family growing up, with each potential set of parents utterly terrified by the powers of the young outsider and his inability to control his emotions.  But it’s not until issue 32 that nature of his very first human relationship is revealed. The Plutonian was raised by a mentally unbalanced woman who had killed her first baby. And she never stopped trying to repeat that experience.

It’s a haunting twist on the classic Superman beginning, kudos to Waid for coming up with it.

Irredeemable averages out to an okay comic, and I definitely wish that the second half was as strong as the first.  

Regret buying: No
Would buy again: No
Would read again: Yes
Rating: Pretty good up to around issue 18, then drops to Fine by the end.

Judas 1-4
This was even better than I remember.  It’s such a powerful examination of the dichotomy between free will and God’s will, focused through the lens of the ultimate sinner.  Jeff Loveness blows my mind with this story, and Jakub Rebelka is right there beside him with art that’s perfectly suited to the story.

Questions we've asked since the beginning of belief.

The black halo around Judas' head is a beautiful touch.

A reversal of roles that I never expected.  There's a terrible poignancy to it.

This is something special.  The more I think about it, the better it gets.  Bravo.

Regret buying: No
Would buy again: Yes
Would read again: Yes
Rating: Really good  

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