Friday, August 30, 2019

Judge Dredd Versus Aliens, Runaways, Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man, Batman/Superman

Some of the new comics this week:
Batman/Superman 1
I’m so behind on the goings on of most of the DC Universe, and the concept of a Jokerized Batman doesn’t sound that interesting.  But I love the potential of a good Superman/Batman team up, and David Marquez on art means I’ll give it a shot.

The story turns out to be surprisingly good.  Joshua Williamson writes a good World’s Finest, writing Loeb-level inner monologues for the two heroes.  And the art. Woof.

Colors by Alejandro Sanchez

There's no way they haven't come up with a shorter name for this guy.

The cape physics don't make sense, but the visual is still funny.

Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man 11
Tom Taylor’s name is starting to show up more and more on my radar.  I hear the work he’s doing on DCeased (ugh, that title…) is excellent, and this is the second strong issue of Spider-Man that I’ve read by him.  This is a wonderful day in the life of MJ, and I’m enchanted by the humor, the heart, and the art.  (By Juann Cabal.) I’m not sure if I’m in on a regular basis (I’ve checked out these single-issue stories, not really in the mood for multi-issue arcs), but my ears are perked up for more Taylor.


Runaways 24
Doombot continues to spout the best one-liners.  Rainbow Rowell should put out a book of Doombot quotes.  


Judge Dredd Versus Aliens 1-4
This delivers on everything that the title promises, and it’s great every time I read it.

Regret buying: No
Would buy again: No
Would read again: Yes
Rating: Pretty good

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