Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Batman: Curse of the White Knight, Skyward, Runaways, GI Joe, The Hire, Islands in the Sky

New comics, some left over from last week:
Batman: Curse of the White Knight 1
I remember liking White Knight, but I can only remember snippets from in.  I really should have waited for the trade on this, but the cover was just too enticing.  

I have a weakness for a good Azrael cover.  I love his costume design.

Skyward 15
So ends a phenomenal comic.  Joe Henderson wraps up all the loose threads, and I’m completely satisfied.  Truth be told, though, it’s the art that pumped this up multiple levels. I’m so happy to have discovered Lee Garbett’s work.  I’ll be on the lookout for his art in the future.  

Runaways 23
Victor brings Doombot back from the brink, Chase and Gert have a serious conversation about their past relationship.  Molly shows she cares with stuffed animals. Good stuff.

GI Joe 67
I thought I was done with these, but I found this in a pile of unsorted comics.  More of the same.

Regret buying? No
Would buy again? No
Would read again? No
Rating: Didn’t suck

The Hire 4
I also found this amongst the unsorteds, a day after getting rid of issues 1 and 3.  This one is also written by a top notch writer (Kurt Busiek), this one I’m also cutting.

Regret buying? No
Would buy again? No
Would read again? No
Rating: Fine (Cutting)

Islands in the Sky 1
I bought this at a con because my friend did the art.  Genevieve Tsai is stupid talented.  She does facial expressions better than anyone I’ve read, and she brings an unparalleled sense of humor to everything that she does.  Check her out!

As for the comic, I wish that the content was worthy of her art.  Typical fanboy fantasy drivel with boobs and butts. Keeping it for her art, but Genevieve deserves much, much better material.  

Regret buying? No
Would buy again? No
Would read again? No
Rating: Fine

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