Friday, February 16, 2018

Death of Stalin, Archie, War Stories, Judas, Mage

I’m on the road for the next few days, and I’ve had to bring a bunch of comics with me so that I can maintain my routine for this project.  I feel like a kid again, packing a ton of comic books for the road.  There’s really nothing more space-inefficient for travel than comics.  They’re super heavy as baggage goes, and they get read so quickly that they’re dead weight for most of the trip.  

I also overpacked - I stopped by the comic store on the way to the airport (as one does) to pick up my new books for the week, so I now have more than I’m probably going to be able to read through.  But on the plus side, new comics!

The Death of Stalin
I had not heard of this until I saw the trailer for the upcoming movie, which seems to be a farce based on actual events.  I don’t know how much of it is true, but the broad strokes seem correct enough.  Judged on its own merits as a piece of entertainment, it is pretty successful.  Watching Beria and the rest of the Soviet leadership vie for power was an engrossing experience.

Archie 28
Good clean fun.  Archie’s clumsiness, which has always blown past any semblance of reality, somehow manages to amuse each time.  I like that Veronica and Betty remain friends despite their shared love of Archie.  I don’t understand why Waid spends so much time on Reggie when he’s so loathsome.  Reading about him is not an enriching experience.  Spending a third of the comic on him is a waste of space.

War Stories 26
I do not know how I did not see that twist coming.  I suppose the coincidence of it all defied believability.  But seeing Robin do the right thing without any hesitation was genuinely touching.  The fact that, knowing him as we do, it could have gone either way makes it all the more heartbreaking.  And when he flies back into harm’s way, with nothing to lose once more, I feel a twinge of sadness and wonder if he’s going to come back from this one.  Because he probably doesn’t want to.  Fine work by Garth Ennis.  

Judas 3
If Jesus died for our sins, wouldn’t that mean that He went to Hell for the three days before His resurrection?  Such an elegant conceit, and impressively executed by Jeff Loveness and Jakub Rebelka.  If only the cliffhanger didn’t degenerate into what appears to be the most convenient of directions - Judas realizing that he needs to rescue Jesus.  Too easy, and I hope it doesn’t end the way that’s being suggested in the final issue.

Mage 6
The usual fine work by Matt Wagner.  Love the use of red here:

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