Wednesday, October 12, 2022

Supergirl: Woman of Tomorrow, Superman: Secret Identity

This was an amazing day of comic book reading.  I haven’t been this happy in a while.  There were moments I was practically tearing up, the comics were so good.  I love this medium.

Supergirl: Woman of Tomorrow 1-8

Looks like this is my favorite Tom King comic book.  I don’t remember Vision being quite this good, and though I love Human Target so far, it doesn’t have the emotional resonance that Supergirl does.  King imbues this with a genuine earnestness while mixing in enough edge and irreverence to keep it away from over-sentimentality (at least until the last issue).  He does it with some of the most beautiful prose I’ve read this side of Alan Moore, which perfectly matches Bilquis Evely’s stunning art.   

An AMAZING setup for this issue.

So choked up.  How do you say goodbye to your daughter?

There are no timeline shenanigans, no complex mysteries, none of the usual King hijinks.  This is just a series of brilliant, stand-alone stories tied together by the most basic (not in a bad way) of overarching narrative threads.  It’s staying on my shelf, no question about it.  I love this.  

Regret buying: No

Would buy again: Yes

Would read again: Yes

Rating: Pure joy

Superman: Secret Identity 1-4

This has been one of my favorite comics books since it first came out.  It remains so after every reading, including this one.  This is no-doubt magnum opus stuff from Kurt Busiek and Stuart Immonen.  (Along with Astro City ½.)  Not much else for me to say here.  I know what this is.

First flight.

Heh.  A lot more people know about The Queen's Gambit now.

The second issue is a beautiful love story.

So unlike the rest of Immonen's (also awesome) art.

So Americana.

Regret buying: No

Would buy again: Yes

Would read again: Yes

Rating: Pure joy

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