Saturday, October 1, 2022

Suicide Squad, New comics

New comics!

Public Domain 4

Can’t tell if this is the last issue or not.  Either way, I might be done with this.  None of the characters are likable, and the industry parts of the comic aren’t as interesting as I’d have hoped.

Love Everlasting 2

This doesn’t follow the formula of the first issue.  (Three similar stories where the protagonist gets more and more self-aware.)  This scenario takes the full issue, only getting weird in the final third.  Still no idea what’s going on, but Tom King and Elsa Charretier’s subversion of the old romance comic is excellent.  

Nightwing 96

Big fight between Nightwing and Blockbuster, ending the arc, but the highlight is the DTR conversation between Dick and Barbara.  

Love her hand on his butt.

Suicide Squad 1-11

This isn’t Suicide Squad so much as an excuse for Tom Taylor and Bruno Redondo to create a new team of likable characters and put them through their paces alongside Harley Quinn and Deadshot.  I’m not complaining at all, this is a rollicking fun story with some real heart, hallmarks of a Taylor title.  I’d love to see the Revolutionaries in their own title.  (Apparently they’ve shown up in Superman: Son of Kal-El, but I’m not going back to that.)

I love Portal-type shenanigans.

Maybe.  But it'd be fun to see in action.

Taylor writes a funny Harley.

Batman can't be the butt of the jokes that often, but when it works...


Ollie's gesticulations in the last panel.

Regret buying: No

Would buy again: Yes

Would read again: Yes

Rating: Good

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