Sunday, October 23, 2022

Fury, New comics

New comics!

Captain Marvel 42

A tie in with some Avengers/X-Men/Eternals event that I know nothing about.  Goose the Flerkin stars.  Maybe I’m not just in the mood for that brand of cute right now.  Once again, I’m ready to drop this title.  One more arc, if that.

Fables 156

The wolf cubs finish their quests.  (Mostly.  Winter is still on hers.)  Peter Pan takes center stage as the big bad for the second half of the arc.  Nothing really memorable, Fables may have just run its course for me.

Public Domain 5

So it looks like this isn’t a limited series after all.  The family starts their quest to self-publish, with the backing of a tech mogul/fanboy.  This gets another issue or two to prove itself.  

Fury 1-6

Garth Ennis has a couple of modes.  He’s in satire mode here; over the top violence, super out-there characters (Fuckface, Wendel), and a few genuine moments of character insight.  Very The Boys and the Russian/Spacker Dave Punisher.  It’s not my favorite version of Ennis, but this iteration of it isn’t that bad.

Arseface reference.

Such vivid imagery.

Regret buying: No

Would buy again: Yes

Would read again: Yes

Rating: Nice  

Fury: My War Gone By 1-13

This is Ennis playing it straight, serious, and grim, like his later Punisher run.  He’s got his Punisher co-conspirator Goran Parlov along with him as well.  Two things stand out to me: Fury and Castle’s team up in Vietnam is epic, two operators who immediately respect each other’s skills and are brutally efficient when they work together.  

The other is the aging of Shirley DeFabio across 40 years.  I’m not sure why I find it so striking.  Maybe because it isn’t something that I normally see in comics.  The women are usually hot and stay that way.  Even in real life, as celebrities age over the years, it’s so gradual that the changes aren’t apparent.  Here, the physical changes hit like a ton of bricks.  Parlov does a great job of depicting the changes.






Ennis does one more Fury title for Marvel MAX, it looks like one of his usual war stories.  I’ll try to pick up the trade.

Regret buying: No

Would buy again: Yes

Would read again: Yes

Rating: Good

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