Sunday, October 23, 2022

Dark Ages

Dark Ages 1-6

Tom Taylor could have used more issues and a better artist (sorry, Iban Coello) for this series.  The ending is completely rushed and anticlimactic.  The art lacks the gravitas and polish that would really make the story sing.  Which is a real shame, since seeing how all the Marvel characters exist in this post-electricity world is fascinating and interesting.  Taylor still manages to get a few choice lines in.

Heavy indeed.

Heh.  Parenting advice from Doom.

Not a fan of Coello's work, but that's another fantastic addition to Storm's wardrobe.

To compare it with another recent Taylor work, I prefer this to Dark Knights of Steel going on over at DC right now when it comes to the worldbuilding and the characters.  But it’s coming up short with the execution.  Total shame.  

Regret buying: No

Would buy again: Yes

Would read again: Yes

Rating: Nice

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