Wednesday, February 9, 2022

Sandman Mystery Theatre

Sandman Mystery Theatre 57-64

The Cannon: Bagsy comes over from London to find some Nazi-confiscated gold.  Wesley and Dian deal with the emotional aftermath of her abortion.  

The City: A delightful arc where each issue focuses on Wesley, Dian, Humphries, and Burke.  The last two issues are particularly wonderful, giving us a little insight into the minds of some ancillary characters who are worthy of following in their own right. 

What a perfect little moment, expertly drawn by Guy Davis.

It’s nice to see the inner workings of Burke, someone who genuinely cares about solving his cases and bringing killers to justice.  Someone who thinks he’s trapped in his life and doesn’t deserve to be happy.  (Which makes it all the more gratifying when he meets Doris.)

Regret buying: No

Would buy again: Yes

Would read again: Yes

Rating: Really Good (Pretty good for The Cannon)

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