Saturday, February 12, 2022

Queen and Country

Queen and Country 5-32

Queen and Country: Declassified v2 1-3

Queen and Country: Declassified v3 1-3

I binged the crap out of this.  41 issues of Queen and Country in three days.  This was just so good, I kept wanting to read the next arc.  I was about to say that this is the best thing Greg Rucka’s written by far, but then I remembered Gotham Central.  This is almost as good.  

Yet considering how addictive this comic is, I’m surprisingly cold to the thought of reading the three Q&C novels that fit right into the continuity.  (I’ve read the first one, and remember liking it.)  I’m going to read it, but parallel to this project, not as part of it.  

There are a number of excellent artists on this comic, early on in their careers.  Leandro Fernandez and Chris Samnee both have arcs here.  (Samnee looking nothing like his current, well-known style.)

I’m sad this ended, I would have liked to read more.  I’ll see if the novels are as good.

I like the posing of Kate reaching over her desk.  Feels real.

The sad cycle.

Katchoo in Strangers in Paradise does the same painting with her hand.

Paul Crocker is basically a Warren Ellis character.


Regret buying: No

Would buy again: Yes

Would read again: Yes

Rating: Varies between Pretty good and Really good

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