Tuesday, February 8, 2022

Sandman Mystery Theatre

Sandman Mystery Theatre 49-56

The Return of the Scarlet Ghost: The Sandman investigates the murders of the employees of a pulp magazine/comic book publisher.  (It’s the work of a rival company owned by the mob.)  Dian is injured in an explosion and learns that she’s pregnant. 

A sobering take on the pointlessness of hobbies.

Heh.  Wesley can be hilarious.

They can be such a cute, playful couple.

I don't know if it's original, but I find this line completely haunting.

The Crone: Someone’s killing the workers at a radio play.  For once, the obvious culprit (the old lady ranting about the evils of radio and bemoaning the death of books) isn’t the actual murderer.  Dian decides to have an abortion.  There are some serious relationship discussions in this arc, and Matt Wagner and Steven Seagle nail the conversations between these two adults.  This series is only getting better as it goes along, something that doesn’t happen with many extended runs.  

Why access to safe abortions is so necessary.

Regret buying: No

Would buy again: Yes

Would read again: Yes

Rating: Good

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