Friday, February 4, 2022

Sandman Mystery Theatre, New comics

New comics!

Dark Knights of Steel 4

The origin story of Bruce Wayne.  Interesting, but lacks the oomph of the previous issues.

Magic Order 2 4

Set up for the big fight as the good guys figure out who’s been gunning for them.  Both sides amass their forces.  The storm clouds are gathering.

Sandman Mystery Theatre 29-36

Sandman Midnight Theatre 1

The Hourman: A wonderful interpretation of Hourman.  Dian flings herself into assisting Wesley in his exploits as the Sandman.  I really do love Guy Davis on this title.  Along with Matt Wagner and Steven Seagle, this is about as perfect as you can get with a creative team.

The Python: Which is why it’s so disappointing when a fill in artist shows up.  (Warren Pleece in this case.)  A strongman takes to strangling the people who’ve wronged him in his life.  Even though she now knows about Wesley’s secret life, she still isn’t happy with playing second fiddle to it.  She travels to London to get some space.

Sandman Midnight Theatre: Wesley travels to London to investigate a murder, conveniently where Dian happens to be.  Also coincidentally, the location of said investigation is the mansion where Morpheus is being held captive in Sandman 1.  This is essentially an issue of SMT with a Morpheus cameo, beautifully painted by Teddy Kristiansen.  Neil Gaiman writes over a Matt Wagner plot.  The result is a lovely piece of work that tonally fits both writers’ series.  

Something about the way she takes her hair down is achingly sad.


Gaiman loves that vicar joke....

From Sandman.

Love the punchline.

That's all there is to their meeting.  And it's great.

Regret buying: No

Would buy again: Yes

Would read again: Yes

Rating: Good.  Pretty good for The Python

Hellblazer 27

This is showing up randomly in the middle of my SMT reviews because it’s in the same trade as Sandman Midnight Theatre.  (It’s a collection of Gaiman DC short stories.)  This is a very Hellblazer single issue story, where Constantine encounters something weird and deals with it in a low key fashion.  The entertainment is in the execution, and Dave McKean’s rare interior art is a huge part of it.  

Regret buying: No

Would buy again: No

Would read again: Yes

Rating: Pretty good

Swamp Thing Annual 5

I remember buying the original issue of this because of Gaiman’s name on the cover.  I also remember getting rid of it because it was crap.  Re-reading it brought back all of those memories.  This is utter garbage from an all-time great.  Let’s not talk any more about it.

Regret buying: No

Would buy again: No

Would read again: No

Rating: Hated.

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