Monday, February 21, 2022

Fortune and Glory, New comics

New comics!

Lion and the Eagle 1

Garth Ennis is back doing another war comic, woots!  This one covers the Burma campaign during WWII.  It’s about average for Ennis, certainly no Sara.

Supergirl: Woman of Tomorrow 8

A little too much moralizing at the end for my taste, I wish Tom King had gone for something a little more subtle.  Also, I’m still confused by the last page.  Why did Ruthye end her book that way?  Still, this was an amazing series.  If only the last two issues were just a touch stronger.

Nightwing 89

Tom Taylor crosses his two DC titles over as Nightwing meets up with Jon Kent.  I may have quit Son of Kal-El, but I’ll pick up issue 9 so I can see how this ends.  

Fortune and Glory 1-3

I was in the mood to go through Ennis’ war stories next (a coincidence that a new one popped up this week!), and they happen to be boxed along with Brian Michael Bendis’ indie stuff.

This is a hilarious look at Bendis’ attempt to sell his Goldfish screenplay to Hollywood.  He approaches the story with the perfect mix of “Yes, I realize how absurd all of this was” and “But there’s no doubt I wanted this to happen.”  It’s easy to forget how accomplished of an artist he is, the dude is a really skilled cartoonist.  

Regret buying: No

Would buy again: Yes

Would read again: Yes

Rating: Good

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