Thursday, September 2, 2021

Destiny, NY; Empire

Destiny, NY TPB 1-4

I just read this, not even three months ago.  And sadly, it’s not good enough that I want to revisit it again so soon.  I wish that it was a little bit better in a myriad of areas - A little less monologue-y, a little more romantic, a little less focus on the Big Bad aspect.  

For sure, the art is wonderful.  Manuel Preitano, Rosi Kampe, Elisa Romboli, and Carola Borelli are all perfectly suited for this story, and the transition from one artist to the next between volumes is never jarring.

Regret buying: No

Would buy again: No

Would read again: Yes (The gap just needs to be longer than 2 months…)

Rating: Fine

Empire 0-6

Empire: Uprising 1-4

What happens when a supervillain succeeds in conquering the world?  His minions start intriguing amongst themselves and contemplating treason.  He talks and behaves like Doctor Doom.  He has trouble parenting his daughter just like every other dad.  (What, what?)

Mark Waid and Barry Kitson do a really nice job here with a large cast of characters, keeping each of their storylines distinct and entertaining.  It’s a shame that it got cancelled mid-arc, I would certainly have kept buying it.

Regret buying: No

Would buy again: No

Would read again: Yes

Rating: Pretty good

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