Tuesday, September 28, 2021

Ultimate Fantastic Four

Ultimate Fantastic Four 1-6

I completely forgot that Brian Michael Bendis and Mark Millar wrote this first arc.  I’d remembered it as Warren Ellis, up until the letter column in issue six said that the writers were leaving.  I’m going to go to the pictures.

There’s such a feeling of satisfaction on the last page of the first issue.  All of Reed’s hard work and perseverance through a difficult childhood is validated by the appearance of a few toys.  Love it.

Some cute flirting between Reed and Sue and a life changing first kiss before an even more impactful life changing accident.  

This is when I remembered that Reed eventually ends up as the Ultimate Universe’s archenemy, and it makes me sad to know where this hopeful, brilliant kid ends up.  He even later calls out how he hates that everyone he meets ends up being a villain.

If he only knew...

The aftermath of the accident is when I thought about how much better this origin is than the Heroes Reborn version.  (Which I haven’t reviewed yet.)  Decompression for the win!

Heh.  A reasonable concern.

Adam Kubert draws one of my favorite Things.

The fight at the end of the first arc isn’t that interesting, but Bendis, Millar, and Adam Kubert do a great job of giving us a modern spin on a classic team.

Regret buying: No

Would buy again: Yes

Would read again: Yes

Rating: Good

Ultimate Fantastic Four 7-12

Warren Ellis, Stuart Immonen, and Doctor Doom all make their first appearances on the title.  Some of the humor is Bendis-quality, not something I expect to see from the wry, cynical Ellis.  It warms my heart.  Though on second thought, it’s all insults, so maybe it’s not that far off from his comfort zone…

I love these fantasti-jabs.

I'm sure it's the subject of many fanfics.

Regret buying: No

Would buy again: Yes

Would read again: Yes

Rating: Good

Ultimate Fantastic Four 13-18

Annihilus shows up in the team’s initial exploration of the N-Zone.  It’s not quite as fun as the previous arc, with more fighting and less character interaction, which is what’s always made this team really fun to read.  Still, it’s got some more LOL humor.

So perfect.

Why is it a complete ripoff of a Star Wars gaffi stick?

I mean, exact.

Regret buying: No

Would buy again: Yes

Would read again: Yes

Rating: Pretty good

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