Saturday, September 18, 2021

Ultimate X-Men

That’s it for Misc box 10!

Box summary

Time spent reading: 22 hours, 13 minutes

Issues read: 151

Issues cut: 5

Highlights (Good or better): 300, Fade from Grace, Maria’s Wedding, Many Deaths of Laila Starr, Optic Nerve

Project Summary:

Time spent reading: 41 days, 23 hour, 17 minutes

Issues read: 8763

Issues cut: 1032

Moving on to the Marvel Ultimate Universe!  Not sure if I’m going to include the Ultimate Spider-Man run right now, that’s at a whole different level of good, I might save it for later.  It might depend on how the box spacing works out.  In any case…

Ultimate X-Men 1-12

Mark Millar and Adam Kubert do a spectacular job of reimagining the origins of my favorite superhero team.  Twenty years later, it still feels fresh and exciting.  

This is gross.

Rape isn't about sex.

A+ retort by Cyclops.

There's really nothing like a perfectly paced Nightcrawler action sequence.

The Weapon X arc suffers from fill-in artists in the back half, hence the lower rating.  

Regret buying: No

Would buy again: Yes

Would read again: Yes

Rating: Good, Pretty good for 7-12

Ultimate X-Men 13-14

Blech.  This Chuck Austen-penned fill-in arc is a pure waste of one of my favorite X-Men.  This Gambit has none of the cool of his 616 counterpart, and the lame story about saving a little girl on the run is a total let down after the awesome Millar run so far.  I’d cut it if it didn’t break up the run.

Regret buying: No

Would buy again: No

Would read again: No

Rating: Stupid

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