Friday, September 17, 2021

New comics

New comics!

Runaways 26-31

I stopped buying this when the kids were forced to leave their hideout and shack up with a local hero.  I feared that things would end badly, and wasn’t in the mood to read that story.  I picked up the trade after learning that the series ended with issue 38.  So close to the end, I wanted to find out what happened.  Plus, I’d seen some good reviews for the last arc.  

Yeah, everything here is as generic as I imagined: Team gets recruited by said hero, they’re lured by the action and glamour, Gert’s the only one who suspects his motives, no one believes her, and she charges in to save the day right before local hero kills the team to perpetuate his own glory.  Ho hum.

Luckily, Rainbow Rowell’s characterization of these wacky kids remains spot on.  It’s the little moments that make this tick.

And these costumes weren't a hint that Doc Justice might've been a little off?

Cute affection between the two couples.

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