Thursday, September 30, 2021

Ultimate Fantastic Four

Ultimate Fantastic Four 33-38

I can’t remember the last time I felt this way: This arc by Mike Carey and Pasqual Ferry (something about aliens and fighting) starts off mind-numbingly boring, then maintains that torpor for so long (an interminable six issues) that it induces white-hot hatred.  I’ve never wanted to burn a book so much as I have these comics.  (To be clear, I’ve never wanted to burn any book before.)  But for the last four issues or so, I seriously contemplated setting them ablaze.  This offends me with how boring, nonsensical, and aimless it is.  Seriously, why in the world did I keep buying this back then?  I hate past me for this.  I’m resisting the urge to rip them apart as I type this.  

Regret buying: Yes

Would buy again: No

Would read again: No

Rating: Hated  (Cutting.  SO close to doing it literally.)

Ultimate Fantastic Four 39-41

Whatever Carey wrote after the God War arc wasn’t going to get a fair shake, let’s be honest.  This three-part Ultimate Diablo story is completely forgettable, with disappointing art from Mark Brooks.  A quick cut, excising the tail end of Carey’s FF run from my collection.

Regret buying: Yes

Would buy again: No

Would read again: No

Rating: Didn’t cut

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