Sunday, September 5, 2021

Herobear and the Kid

Herobear and the Kid 1-5

Herobear/Decoy 1

Herobear and the Kid Special 1

Kaboom Summer Blast

Herobear and the Kid Annual 1

Herobear and the Kid: Saving Time 1

Rarely do I wish that I like a comic way more than I actually do.  This is one of those times.

I was completely charmed by the first issue of Herobear when it first came out.  Mike Kunkel’s gorgeous, hilarious, perfect sketch art, coupled with a glorious, gasp-inducing final sequence, kept me reading for the next fifteen years.  

Hilarious the first time around.  Rapidly wears out its welcome.

Best introduction scene ever.

Unfortunately, Kunkel’s writing doesn’t match up to his artistic genius.  This may be an engaging story for kids (I can’t wait to share this with my daughter), but I really struggled to engage with the material.  It’s interesting how some comics can be too earnest (this one), while others (such as yesterday’s Fade From Grace) thrive on their unabashed sentimentality.  I really don’t know what the difference is.  In any case, almost none of the story elements (the grandfather is Santa, the butler is Father Time, Tyler’s always late for the bus, the annoying bullies, Tyler always referring to Herobear as his best friend) land with me.  

I stuck with this because I kept hoping Kunkel would find the magic of the first issue.  I finally had to give up with the beginning of his second miniseries.  Present me completely agrees with past me, and probably would have stopped buying after the first arc.  

Regret buying: No

Would buy again: Yes for the original series.  No for everything else

Would read again: No

Rating: Fine

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