Thursday, June 24, 2021

Tom King Batman, New comics

New comics!

Destiny, NY vol. 1-4

I backed this on Kickstarter, I’m a sucker for a romance comic.  This one has the nifty conceit of “What if there was a school for all the kids that have Harry Potter-style prophecies?”  How would they be educated to best fulfil their destinies?  What would they do with their lives after they accomplished the most important thing they’ll ever do?

This story by Pat Shand and a variety of artists (all quite skilled) intersperses the uber plot of a dark lord a la Voldemort with the slices of lives of the students and alumni of Destiny University.  I can take or leave the dark lord stuff, it’s nothing special.  The real focus of the book is on the relationships (romantic and friendly) of Logan McBride.  

Unfortunately, those tales are not quite as interesting as I would like.  The romances don’t tug at my heartstrings quite enough, and the day-to-day goings on of this cohort lean just a touch on the boring side.  Logan has a tendency to navel gaze with extra long inner monologues, and it gets a little tedious.  

But there are a few moments that really land:

One of the students discovers that it’s her destiny to be the last person to die of cancer before they discover a cure.  Jesus Christ, that’s harsh.  Fuck cancer.

Logan’s girlfriend leaves her when she gets a vision of Logan’s happy future with another girl.  It’s heartbreaking (and not a little reminiscent of Carol and Rhodey in Captain Marvel), and the resultant monologue is pretty good:

“Everything, everything goes away...everyone, too.  That’s true.  But you know what?  They were here.  And isn’t that something?”

Obviously, I’m projecting.  Doesn’t mean it isn’t good.

I was tempted to fund volume 5 (on Kickstarter now!), but stopped myself when I realized that I wouldn’t rebuy the first four if I lost them.

Batman: Rebirth 1

Batman 1-6

Tom King’s run.  I think this is the only thing of his that was meant to last more than 12 issues.  I stand by my decision to stop buying this four issues in when it first came out.  It doesn’t nearly hint at the awesomeness that is to come, and while David Finch is good in an early Image kind of way, he doesn’t compare with some of the artists to follow.  Which isn’t to say there aren’t highlights:

Of course he is.  Because he's Batman!

Totally reminds me of this great plane rescue:

Which still isn't as good as my favorite:

You know he's not going to die, but King really sells it here.

Love the line on that dip.

Yes, it is.
Regret buying: No

Would buy again: Yes

Would read again: Yes

Rating: Pretty good

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