Tuesday, April 13, 2021


Action Comics 844-846, 851

Action Comics Annual 11

I remember this being good, but not that good.  From the opening page, I got that special feeling from the Adam Kubert art (when the guy is on, he is on).  

Dunno why this worked so well for me.

General Zod two issues later.

You never see Superman this pissed.

I've never seen wreckage drawn like this.  It's stunning.

And I've never seen an impact like this.  So good.

I don’t know how writers Geoff Johns and Richard Donner pull off the feeling of great stakes.  Perhaps it’s the introduction of Christopher Kent (a tribute to Christopher Reeve?) - As a new introduction to the story, his fate is up in the air; Anything could happen to him.  But what makes that impressive is that as a new character, it’s extremely difficult to make the reader care about what happens to him.  So kudos to the writers and Kubert for making me care.  Christopher is a sweet kid placed in an impossible situation.  And after years of abuse, after finally finding a home where he could be happy, he willingly gives it up to save the world, just like his adoptive dad would have done.  It’s heartbreaking and so well done.

He looks so innocent!

Love the parallel.

Lois is absolutely right.

On top of the serious stuff, there’s also a mess of humor here.  I love the depiction of Lex here, just the perfect mix of sinister brilliance and pathetic ego.

The only time I've rooted for these guys.

I didn’t expect to love this quite so much.  But it’s earned its way to the top tier of my favorite Superman stories ever.  

Regret buying: No

Would buy again: Yes

Would read again: Yes

Rating: Pure Joy

Action Comics 847, 850

For reasons unknown to me, there’s a four issue gap in the middle of the previous story.  I’m presuming deadline issues.  In any case, the two issues that I own are perfectly fine filler, with some beautiful art by Renato Guedes.  With regards to issue 850, having just read issue 800, is there any origin story that’s been retold as many times as Superman’s?  On top of that, is there any comic character that’s had as many stories written about how much he means to other people?  The effect he has on those around him has inspired hundreds of stories.  

The thing is, when it’s done well, it’s easy to understand why writers keep coming back to that well.  This one is on the not bad side.  

Regret buying: No

Would buy again: No

Would read again: Yes

Rating: Fine

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