Saturday, April 10, 2021


Superman 650-653

Action Comics 837-840

Kurt Busiek and Geoff Johns start their time on Superman.  This began with the 1 Year Later edict that ran through all the DC titles at the time.  Here, Superman’s been retired for a year since the ending of Infinite Crisis.  He eventually comes back (of course) to fight Lex Luthor (of course).  It’s surprising inert for something from these storied writers.  But the art by Pete Woods is great, and it’s still got some good moments.

Nice Supes.

This goes nowhere, but it was ripe with possibilities for a second there.

A fine setup...

...for a punchline...

...that makes me laugh every single time.

It's so basic, but it defines their relationship oh so well.  

Regret buying: No

Would buy again: No

Would read again: Yes

Rating: Fine

Superman 654-656

Busiek and Johns split up to write their own individual titles, with Carlos Pacheco joining Busiek on Superman.  The story introduces an “what if Superman, but tortured and experimented on since he crashed on Earth” antagonist, which makes for a decent plot.  The Pacheco art elevates it up a notch.

Pacheco's Clark is so hot.  His Lois really isn't.

Lovely idea for an anniversary.

Regret buying: No

Would buy again: No

Would read again: Yes

Rating: Nice

Action Comics 841-843

Woods and Johns remain on Action, with a story I was prepared to hate.  Something about an intergalactic Auctioneer who steals things/people and sells them off to the highest bidder.  It starts off way too weird, but finds its footing in the last two issues.  There are some nice “even without his powers, Superman knows how to lead and inspire” moments, and Nightwing plays a nice supporting role.  But as with Superman, three issues were enough for me to stop buying.  Present me agrees - Nice, but not worth continuing.

Regret buying: No

Would buy again: No

Would read again: Yes

Rating: Nice

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