Sunday, April 25, 2021

All-Star Superman

All-Star Superman 1-12

I took a look, this is far and away the best thing I’ve read from Grant Morrison.  A lot of it may have to do with Frank Quitely’s art, but regardless, this is worthy of the accolades heaped upon it.  Except for the Bizarro planet story.  As with all Bizarro stories, it’s trash.

Saw this and thought, "Isn't this idea straight from Golden Apples of the Sun" by Ray Bradbury? 

Grant Morrison replies, "Yes, yes, it is."

Quitely does the best bumbling Clark.

I hate his waif-thin Lois.  Creepy eyes, too.

This is sweet.

The seemingly throw-away Sun Eater runner ended up being surprisingly poignant.


For some reason, I always forget what happens in the last couple of issues, so it always comes as a surprise to me.

This Superman is definitely a god amongst men.  That, plus the unavoidable, occasional “Morrison being weird for weird’s sake” moments keep this from the Pure Joy rating.  

Regret buying: No

Would buy again: Yes

Would read again: Yes

Rating: Really good

Wanted to call out this lovely cover by Bruno Redondo.

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