Thursday, May 16, 2019

War of the Realms, Buffy, Calexit, Childhood's End

Last new comic for the week:
War of the Realms 4
The heroes of Earth gather allies from the other realms.  Of note is She-Hulk’s recruitment speech to the dwarves of Snidavellir:

Odin and Freyja appear to come to a glorious last stand end, but no bodies, no death.  

I miss the days of Secret Wars, where epic crossovers read more like a single, cohesive story rather than a collection of connected vignettes.

Buffy the Vampire Slayer 1
I reviewed this as a new comic just four months ago.  My opinion stands - It’s fun, but not enough for me continue getting.  Dan Mora’s art comes as such a breath of fresh air after Georges Jeanty.  How much better would Season Eight have been if Mora had been the artist instead?  I would have liked to see that very much.

Regret buying: No
Would buy again: No
Would read again: Yes
Rating: Nice

Calexit 1
The concept, of course, is enough to get me on board: Huge chunks of California attempt to breakaway from the United States after the President announces plans to deport all non-US citizens.  

The result from writer Matteo Pizzolo doesn’t match up with what I was looking for.  I was hoping for an examination of what a successfully seceded region would be like - What would a state with no right wing look like?  What would fill the vacuum left by the conservatives? (Maybe I’ll write it myself someday.)

Instead, Pizzolo gives us a DMZ-type scenario, where the government is running a military occupation of California.  It’s certainly a plausible depiction of what would really happen, but it’s not something that I’m that interested in reading about.  I’ve seen stories about the gritty rebel fighting against The Man plenty of times, and this doesn’t add anything that I haven’t read before.  I’m still keeping it, because the idea alone is still worth keeping around.

Regret buying: No
Would buy again: No
Would read again: No
Rating: Fine

Childhood’s End 1
Children are cruel, mean, little assholes.  That’s the story Dr. Malcolm Bourne, child psychologist, tells in this issue, showing all the mental and physical trauma kids can go through from just an everyday outing at the playground.  (At least the shittiest bully gets his comeuppance.)

This was the only issue of a planned five issues to come out, which is a shame.  This might be a hard read, but the truth of all the situations makes it an important one.  I would have liked to see how this played out.

Regret buying: No
Would buy again: No
Would read again: Yes
Rating: Nice

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