Thursday, May 9, 2019

Banana Sunday, Unstoppable Wasp, New Agents of Atlas

New comics!  I didn’t buy the new Wonder Twins.  Each twin goes on a disastrous date, and the unfun was more than enough for me to drop it.  

War of the Realms: New Agents of Atlas 1
This tie-in miniseries covers the Asian response to Malekith’s invasion of Earth.  Jimmy Woo leads his Agents of Atlas into the fray against the forces of Muspelheim.  I bought this because I wanted to support an all-Asian Marvel team book. Unfortunately, the story itself is pretty generic.  Greg Pak introduces a bunch of new heroes, each with their own gimmick and not much else. The only one with a personality is the already established Amadeus Cho, and he’s idiotically headstrong for someone so intelligent.  It’s unlikely that I’ll by the rest of this series, but I’ll keep this issue around for a re-read.

I did like this conversation, though:

I've always called them Asian pears...

Unstoppable Wasp 7
Once again, Jeremy Whitley’s writing has put a massive smile on my face.  This issue’s bursting at the seams with positive energy without an ounce of artifice.  I don’t know how he keeps this from crossing over into insanely annoying, but I love every bit of Nadia’s unfiltered joy.  It rubs of on everyone around her and it rubs off on me. On to the moments that I particularly enjoyed:

Almost as good as the end of Avengers: Endgame.

Gotta love Marvel continuity.

Banana Sunday 1-4
This did not age well.  I didn’t remember much about this comic, only that it has a teenage girl and 3 mischievous monkeys, and that I enjoyed it the first time around.  Not so much the second. Kirby’s the new girl at school, but in addition to dealing with an annoying new best friend, an annoying new love interest, and an annoying mean girl, she has to manage three annoying, talking simians who can’t stay out of trouble.  

The wacky hijinks ticked me off, and I derived zero to little entertainment out of any of it.  It’s revealed at the end that these are the the actual See/Hear/Speak No Evil Monkeys of legend, and their former caretaker was just as fed up with them as I.  

I totally get you, pal.

The only thing I liked was Go-Go.  He’s cute, eats bananas, and falls asleep all the time.  I respect that. The only thing convincing me to keep this series is that my future kids might find it entertaining.

Regret buying: No
Would buy again: No
Would read again: No
Rating: Didn’t suck

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