Monday, May 13, 2019

Buffy: Season Eight

Buffy 1-11
I’m not that big a fan of this first batch of Buffy comics.  Joss Whedon quickly establishes the post-season seven world, where Buffy and her buddies establish a global network of Slayers.  Warren, Amy, the US Government, and the mysterious Twilight are set up to be the bads. It’s a lackluster effort, and I didn’t latch on to it in the way that I was hoping for.  

It doesn’t help that Georges Jeanty is a poor choice of artist for this title.  He tries to draw the characters to look like the actors who played them, and he isn’t able to pull it off.  The problem is that he gets close enough to create an uncanny valley that keeps me from successfully immersing myself in the story.  I’d have preferred if he went for a completely different interpretation for their looks. It would have been disappointing at first, but ultimately a better choice for the book as a whole.  

Not a fan.
Even this drastic change by Eric Wight is far less offputting to me.

If only cover artist Jo Chen could do the interiors as well.  Her ability to capture the likenesses of the actors and create stunning scenes wowed me every month.  

Regret buying: No
Would buy again: No
Would read again: Yes
Rating: Fine

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