Sunday, May 19, 2019

Chosen, Clan Apis

Chosen 1-3
What if the Son of God returned in the form of a twelve-year old boy living in a dead end American town?  How would the community react to the classic miracles of Jesus? Mark Millar shows us over the course of three issues.  Everything unfolds as one would expect - the people of the town react with skepticism as Jodie Christianson (not too on the nose) gradually goes through the list of wonders - answering every question his teachers throw at him, turning water into wine, healing the sick, raising the dead, restoring the faith of a disillusioned pastor.  And while there are no surprises, it’s still an engrossing story.

Then Millar throws in the twist: Jodie’s father is Satan, not God.  And Jodie grows up to become President of the United States, ready to bring Judgment Day down on Earth.  It’s a nice little tag with which to finish the story, and it’s really as a good an ending as any. It’s hard to see how else Millar could have tied up the series.

Regret buying: No
Would buy again: No
Would read again: Yes
Rating: Nice

Clan Apis
I bought this back when I would try out any indie title that got a decent review.  Clan Apis, by Jay Hosler, is an educational comic about the life cycle of the honeybee.  It’s packed with information, and told with amusing flair. There should really be more comics like this; I imagine kids would be a lot more eager to learn about new things if they were presented in such a fun manner.  

Regret buying: No
Would buy again: No
Would read again: Yes
Rating: Nice

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