Saturday, May 4, 2019

Five Years, War of the Realms, Spencer and Locke

New comics!  I took another flip through Young Justice.  Passed on it again.
Five Years 1
I was positive that I was going to pass on this after the conclusion of SiP XXV.  I had no interest in an end of the world scenario.  But I took a look through this at the comic shop out of courtesy to Terry Moore, who’s certainly earned that much with his amazing work over the years.  And darn it if he didn’t drag me back in. He does this by giving me what I was looking for during the entire XXV run - life with Katchoo, Francine, and their family.  It’s delightful, and Moore is wonderful with the dialog.  

Was it too much to have provided this during the run that was ostensibly about these characters?  Will see how long I stay with this.

War of the Realms 3
The heroes continue on their separate tasks - Cap leads a team to find Thor.  Freyja sets out to destroy the Black Bifrost. Daredevil defends the Rainbow Bridge alongside, among others, Jane Foster.  When in the world did she develop martial skills? Captain Marvel and a squad hit the streets to take on Malekith. It’s fine for an event book, but it’s a little too vignette-y for me, lacking the focus that I’d prefer from the main title of a massive crossover.  Russell Dauterman’s art remains stellar. And Jason Aaron gives us a nice Spidey quip:

Oh Spidey, you rascal.

Spencer & Locke 2 1
Elevator pitch: Calvin and Hobbes grown up, but Calvin’s childhood was abusive instead of idyllic.  Now he’s a hard-bitten detective who still carries his stuffed animal around with him wherever he goes.  His dad’s a crime boss and Susie Derkins was murdered.

The first miniseries was really dark and compelling.  The second introduces David Pepose’s twist on Beetle Bailey, now a psychotic army vet who’s killing city politicians.  Spencer (Calvin) investigates the case while also dealing with the custody case involving his newly discovered daughter.

This probably wouldn’t hold up without the comic strip angle, but it’s definitely entertaining with it.

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