Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Atomic Robo

Atomic Robo 1-6
Atomic Robo Volume 2 1-5
It’s disconcerting to read this so soon after Amazing Screw-On Head.  There are so many similarities between the two titles - Robotic protagonists, both constructed long ago, whose sole purpose is to fight evil at the behest of the United States Government.  Each possesses a quirky sense of humor, fully aware of the ridiculous situations in which they constantly find themselves. Considering how much I liked Screw-On Head, I’m surprised to report that Atomic Robo didn’t bring me the same amount of joy.  

I have several hypotheses.  First, it’s possible that Atomic Robo isn’t quite crazy enough.  Mike Mignola went with parallel dimensions trapped in turnips.  How are giant ants and mobile Egyptian pyramids supposed to compete with that?  

Second, the absurdity of Screw-On Head is accentuated by the staid, gothic Mignola art.  The sight of a bouncing metal head jumping in response to the stern beckoning of Abraham Lincoln defies description.

So weird.  Love it.

By contrast, Scott Wegener’s art on Robo, while perfectly suited, feels normal by comparison.

Hawking's such a bastard :)

I acknowledge the unfairness of judging Robo in terms of another comic, so here are some things that truly amused me:

Suprisingly touching consequence of living forever.

As long as the potential is there.

Regret buying: No
Would buy again: No
Would read again: Yes
Rating: Nice

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