Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Jessica Jones, Excellence, Unstoppable Wasp, Runaways, Star Trek: Q Conflict

New comics!
Star Trek: Q Conflict 4
Plot is so secondary in my enjoyment of this series.  I’m having a blast just reading this thing with the voices of the actors in my head.  Silvia Califano draws great representations of the characters, which really helps to sell the story as a massive tv show crossover.  

Love seeing everyone interacting around a table.

Runaways 21
I’d never thought of Chase as the responsible member of this family, but this issue goes a long way towards convincing me of that fact.  It doesn’t feel like a sudden shift in personality - writer Rainbow Rowell’s been building to it for a while, but always in the background, so that I never really noticed it.  I’d just been so used to early Runaways Chase, the self-absorbed bro that I didn’t like at all.  His conversation with Molly was touching in its honesty. Chase has levelled up, and I’m a huge fan of it.  


Also like that Karolina’s in therapy, and it’s depicted as something positive.  Mental health maintenance is important!

Love the joy on the saved kid's face.

Victor’s apparently human now, so we’ll see how that shakes out next issue.

Unstoppable Wasp 8
The usual fun, not much more to add right now.  

Just a bunch of faces by Stacey Lee, but it encapsulates the book so well.

Excellence 1
I bought this after hearing the guys on the iFanboy podcast talk about it as their Pick of the Week.  I’m so glad I was introduced to to this, it’s a really sweet read. (Brandon Thomas writes, Khary Randolph pencils, Emilio Lopez colors.)  This is an excellent example of how to do a first issue. Thomas quickly sets up the world and characters, along with the conflicts that will be taking place.  It’s economical and action-packed, and I’m eager to find out what happens next.

Jessica Jones: Purple Daughter
The next collection of the webcomic by Kelly Thompson and Mattia De Iulis.  Remarkably well written, and as gorgeous as the first trade.  On the other hand, I’ve totally reached my saturation point with the Purple Man.  I’m just so tired of him. Not as much as Jessica is, but still. I understand that the whole point is that Jessica will never be rid of him, but I wish it didn’t mean that the same thing applied to the readers as well.  

Thompson's conversations are as strong as Bendis'

Jones’ interactions with Emma Frost are the highlight of the story.  I would never have imagined the two of them in a team-up, and it’s simply hilarious.

Lots of boob jokes, but Jessica makes them work.

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