Friday, May 10, 2019

Barack Obama, Black Summer

Presidential Material: John McCain
Presidential Material: Barack Obama
Road to the White House: Barack Obama
First 100 Days: Barack Obama

IDW put out these comics before and after the 2008 election.  They’re decently in-depth biographies of the two candidates, and seem impartial to my eye.  The writing by Andy Helfer (McCain) and Jeff Mariotte (Obama) is pretty dry, and the accompanying art by Stephen Thompson (McCain) and Tom Morgan (Obama) is even less impressive.  But the information is still interesting, and a comic is as good a place as any to intake it. These are worth keeping around for their historical value, I can imagine reading it in the future and remembering a better time…

Regret buying: No
Would buy again: No
Would read again: Yes
Rating: Fine

Black Summer 0-7
In the afterword of issue zero, Warren Ellis explains that this series explores what happens when vigilantes decide that the President in the White House is the biggest criminal of them all.  They’re already outside the law, so would assassinating the leader of the free world be all that unreasonable to them?

It’s a nice idea, but it comes across as little more than a bunch of people posturing and lecturing at each other.  None of their motivations inspired me to side with anyone more than another. Frankly, Black Summer really feels like Juan Jose Ryp wanting to draw a lot of violence, and Ellis happily obliging him.  

Which is fine.  Ryp is quite adept at the bloody messes.  He injects Geof Darrow-like detail into his art, and it makes for some striking pages.

Geof Darrow for comparison.

Not close to Ellis’ best work, but still passable in a generic summer blockbuster kind of way.

Regret buying: No
Would buy again: No
Would read again: Yes
Rating: Nice

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