Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Buffy: Season Eight

Buffy 31-40
Willow Special
Riley Special
By this point, momentum is the only thing carrying me through to the end of the series.  The plot gets crazy cosmic, and Joss Whedon can’t help himself by killing off another core character.  Summary as far as I can tell: Twilight kills hundreds of Slayers, and Buffy absorbs all of their strength, which grants her superpowers.  Twilight turns out to be Angel, by the way. He needs Buffy to match his mysteriously granted level of power so that they can have super orbiting-the-earth sex, which creates a brand new universe where they’re meant to be the god-parents.  This unleashes a bunch of demons on Earth. Buffy ditches her destiny to save her home planet, and Angel, after spending all this time to create this baby universe, joins her. (His motivations are mercurial at best. I’m getting more and more pissed off as I write this.  I’d originally rated this at Fine, and it’s plummeted to Hated in the last 2 minutes.)

Angel and Buffy fight side by side, then find the magic MacGuffin that’s causing all of this.  They can either destroy it, remove it, or protect it, and I have zero idea as to who wants to do what with it.  Angel kills Giles over it, Spike shows up, Buffy shatters the crystal, magic disappears from Earth, and the good guys win, I think.  

I’m so mad right now.  This was so very bad. Why can’t I bring myself to get rid of it?  Basically, the first half or so of Season Eight was decent, and the completionist in me can’t bear to break up the run.  For better or so so worse, this exists as one entity.

My daily Georges Jeanty hate:

It is completely unreasonable to expect me to go from this on the cover... this on the interior.

So what didn't I hate?

'Magick' with a K is not to be trifled with.
Belongs in a museum.

What makes all this worse is that I watched the last few scenes from season three’s prom episode today.  Buffy at its best, and these comics are nowhere close to it in quality.

This is the stuff that makes me cry.  So good.

I'll pretend this was meant for season 3, not season 8.
Regret buying: Yes (No for the specials)
Would buy again: No
Would read again: No (Yes for the specials)
Rating: Hated (Fine for the specials)

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