Wednesday, March 20, 2019

X-Force: Sex and Violence

X-Force: Sex and Violence 1-3
This is the best Kyle/Yost X-Force by far.  It discards all the the gloominess, all the cruft (Wolfsbane, I’m looking at you), and just has a darn good time.  The writers focus on Wolverine, Domino, and the two elements in the title. Things that I liked:

The cover to the first issue.  Domino’s unyielding pose. The unique framing of the scene.

I was surprised that I could be surprised by a gunshot interrupting a conversation in comics.  It obviously works well in the movies, but I would have thought that the possibility of spoiling the panel, especially without a page turn, would have precluded its success on the page.  But it genuinely worked on me.

Dell’Otto infuses so much energy and motion into his art without sacrificing readability.  (Something that Clayton Crain isn’t the best at over on the main X-Force title.)  

I realize as I’m commenting on moments for this post that they really are all depicting either sex or violence.  It’s as it should be - Kyle and Yost are unapologetic about it, and that’s what makes this miniseries succeed. (Though sure, top notch execution has a lot to do with it too.)

Note how Dell’Otto ties the two themes together with the red blood for the violence and red environments for the sex.  

The build up to the action for the final fight is exquisite.  By the last page in this sequence, I can’t turn the page fast enough to see all the ensuing mayhem.  

You just know shit's about to go down.

A cliched, juvenile ending, but the perfect way to finish off this insanely fun action flick.  This deserves to come out of the box and take a place on the shelf.

Regret buying: No
Would buy again: Yes
Would read again: Yes
Rating: Good

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