Sunday, March 17, 2019

Kyle/Yost X-Force

X-Force 12, 13 17-19
I’ve generally been okay with Craig Kyle and Christopher Yost’s splatterfest on X-Force, but they go a little too far here.  Up until now, for all the copious amounts of blood that’s been spilled, every death’s been instantaneous - One shot, one kill.  The (relative) lack of pain makes it palatable. This is also how I prefer my movie violence.

This is fine.  So's this:

But in issue 18, the writers go for torture and suffering, and that ratchets up the ick factor by orders of magnitude in my book.  

I still remember my first time watching a scene like this.  It was Murphy’s death in Robocop.  The thought of it disturbs me to this day, I still refuse to see it again.  This sequence gives me similar feelings. The only thing that makes it better is the fact that X-23 ends up destroying the lab and doesn’t need her consciousness transferred into a cybernetic body to get her revenge.     

I also have objections to the writers’ treatment of Boomer in issue 13.  She’s a voiceless hostage the entire time, with no agency whatsoever. She’s treated like a sexualized object, and there’s an obscenity to her murder, regardless of the time travel save a couple of issues later.  

What is she wearing??

That death pose feels really exploitative

So yeah, I have some problems.  On the plus side, some of the other art by Clayton Crain really impresses.

Great use of color here.  It really pops.

There's something classical and dramatic about this that I like.

Heh, Vanisher speaks truth here.

Regret buying: No
Would buy again: No
Would read again: Yes
Rating: Fine

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