Thursday, March 21, 2019

Uncanny X-Force, Naomi, Pearl

New comics!
Naomi 3
I’m getting pretty sick of Naomi’s constant questioning.  I get that she’s super confused and desperately needs answers, but I also want her to shut up and listen.  How else is she going to hear the replies? With no previous knowledge of the total, I’m going to count the number of questions and non-questions Naomi says in this issue.

Declarations: 13
Exclamations: 24
Interrogatives: 41

Yeah, she does a lot of shouting and asking.  I’d be so disinclined to give anyone who acted that way any kind of answers.  But her parents, despite their frustration and fear, start to explain things at the end of the issue.  I really hope it goes somewhere, because I can’t take another issue of this pestering teenager, no matter how justified her inquiries.  

Also, seriously Bendis?  Another Gemworld tie in? What’s with your fascination for that place?

Pearl 7
Lots and lots of Bendis-speak, the good kind.  He introduces an FBI agent, who’s sure to add more chaos to the mix.  Standard Bendis fun.

Uncanny X-Force 1-4
Wolverine and Archangel are the only holdovers from the previous Kyle/Yost X-Force team as Rick Remender takes over as writer for the next incarnation.  The replacements are just as willing to get, as Deadpool puts it, stabby stabby - Fantomex, Psylocke, and the aforementioned Deadpool. The first story arc is notable for the Jerome Opena art.  This was my first exposure to his work, and I absolutely love it.

Nice dramatic low angle.

Love the designs, especially the Civil War-era Famine.

If Remender was going for shock, he succeeded.

Opena loves that ground-level shot.
The story isn’t bad, either.  The team has the opportunity to kill the resurrected Apocalypse, but when they realize he’s still a child, their ability to get the job done at any cost meets one of the most expensive ethical prices.  (Fantomex is the only one willing to pay it.)

Here it is again.  (Hasn't gotten old yet)

A strong start, but I wouldn’t have been so excited the first time around if I’d known that Opena wouldn’t return for another ten issues.
Regret buying: No
Would buy again: Yes
Would read again: Yes
Rating: Pretty good

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