Saturday, March 2, 2019

Star Trek, Unstoppable Wasp, Naomi

More new comics!
Naomi 2
So...the second issue ends exactly the same as the first.  

In between, we get Naomi’s adoptive parents acting as creepily as one would expect in a mystery about her origin.  It’s all about the set up and execution, and I’m still in during all this slow burn. But it had better get good soon, or this’ll meet the same fate as Action Comics.  (I finally cut it from my pull list this week.)  

Unstoppable Wasp 5
Nadia fights her friends as she struggles to deal with her first bipolar episode.  It’s a little after-school special, but I respect the effort by Jeremy Whitley to accurately portray the condition.  It’s also nice that Nadia’s in a caring environment, surrounded by loving friends who will support and help her as she learns to live with it.  And extra props to the extended Q&A with a psychology expert in the Agents of G.I.R.L. column.

Star Trek: The Q Conflict 1-2
I almost never buy Star Trek comics, but I couldn’t resist this one.  It’s pure fan service, and this fan is buying: Q brings the TOS, TNG, DS9, and Voyager crews together, then fantasy drafts them into four teams for a competition for the fate of the blah blah blah.  (Quark is the last pick, right after Harry Kim.) The plot doesn’t matter, of course - This one’s all about the interaction between the different crew members. It’s wonderful, and I’m looking forward to four more issues of this.  

You’re crazy if you don’t think I’m totally going to analyze the draft.

Assumptions: The grid is showing each team’s pick order from left to right.  The pick order goes Picard, Janeway, Sisko, Kirk. (We know Kirk and Sisko’s placement because of Quark and Kim.)  It’s not a snake draft, since that would mean Kirk’s team has the first pick of the second round, and there’s no way McCoy goes before Spock.  Which also means Picard’s team has the first pick over Janeway, since Riker would never go before Spock either.

Given that, the pick order with my thoughts:
  1. Picard - Unfair to judge the captain pick order, they were chosen before the start of the draft.
  2. Janeway
  3. Sisko
  4. Kirk
  5. Spock - An excellent second pick.  Data would have been the other acceptable one.
  6. Riker - Any pick that isn’t Data from this point forward is inexcusable.
  7. Chakotay - Are you kidding me?  Chakotay doesn’t belong in the first half of this draft.
  8. McCoy - The only non-XO in the second round
  9. Crusher - Waaat?? Not even the best doctor left on the board.  Though with only three CMO’s in the draft, I can see Picard not wanting to be the only team left without one.
  10. Kira - A wasted pick, Janeway doesn’t need a second first officer.  Especially w/ Data still available.  
  11. Data - Steal of the draft, at least five slots too low.  
  12. Worf - Solid pick, the physically strongest competitor remaining.
  13. Seven - Strong science pick.  Paired with Spock, the intelligence on this team is skyrocketing.
  14. Scotty - First chief engineer taken, and probably the best.  
  15. Sulu - Odd to take a helmsman so early.  It’s like taking a kicker way before everyone else.
  16. Dax - Intentionally putting the couples on the same teams?
  17. Odo - Another questionable pick.  What does he bring?
  18. Paris - Why are all the pilots being taken?  You already have Riker, who can fill that role.
  19. Bashir - Nice, getting your doctor so late.
  20. Tuvok - The Dax pick is looking bad now, Kirk’s team is without a doctor now.
  21. Geordi - Geordi or O’Brien: feels like a coin flip.  Might as well go with the synergy w/ the captain.
  22. Chekov - Even with Scotty, I’d have taken another engineer here.
  23. Troi - How did she get taken before the last round?
  24. O’Brien - Best pick left on the board.
  25. Uhura - I’d have gone w/ Torres here.
  26. Torres - Sure.
  27. Kim - Yep.
  28. Quark - Okay.
Of course, I have to draft this myself now, given the same starting captains.


This was way too fun for its own good.

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