Friday, March 22, 2019

Uncanny X-Force

Uncanny X-Force 5.1, 19.1
I don’t understand why Marvel needed to publish these as X.1 issues instead of as annuals or part of the regular run.  They’re still written by Rick Remender, albeit with different artists. 5.1 pits X-Force against the Reavers, the Brooklyn Brawlers of the X-Universe.

Had his moments, but usually got his ass kicked.

19.1 follows the AoA X-Men back to their universe after the events of the Dark Angel Saga (which I’ll review below).  Suffice it to say that diminishing returns from this alternate reality, as well as the constant winnowing of the most interesting revamps, make this a ho-hum entry.    

I’m not going to miss either of these issues, easy cuts.  

Regret buying: No
Would buy again: No
Would read again: No
Rating: Boring

Uncanny X-Force 5-9
I’m totally disappointed that Jerome Opena doesn’t pencil any of these issues.  Esad Ribic and Billy Tan get the assignment. But the transition’s completely smoothed over by Dean White’s colors.  I didn’t realize it during Opena’s run, but it’s the palette that defines this title. It unifies the tone of this team far more than the pencils, something that I rarely give the colors credit for.  

I mean, this is how I normally think of Billy Tan:

Replacement level artist.

But a pass by White performs miracles on the finished product, allowing it to share the same stage as Opena:

Look at that Psylocke!  So good!

Opena for reference.
Unfortunately, he can’t completely save Tan from himself.  His Magneto is off in so many ways, from the youthful face to the helmet construction to the way it fits on his head.

Looks so wrong.

This issue (number nine) does not go the way I imagined.  Magneto asks X-Force to kill a now-elderly Nazi hiding out in South America (of course).  And that’s exactly what happens - Wolverine calmly collects his sword, flies out to Rio, and beheads the guy.  No debate, no convincing needed. It’s shocking in its straightforwardness, which makes it surprisingly powerful.  The best of this bunch.

Regret buying: No
Would buy again: Yes
Would read again: Yes
Rating: Nice

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