Saturday, March 30, 2019

Heroes in Crisis, Skyward, Ironheart, Detective Comics

More new comics!
Heroes in Crisis 7
Clay Mann has really been going all out with these opening splash pages.  

Writer Tom King made sure to give Mann and colorist Tomeu Morey all the credit in the world - The flowers were not a digital effect, they were all hand drawn and colored.  Check out the before!

As for the rest of it, I’m not a fan of King’s portrayal of Wally West.  His Flash lacks the self-awareness he had on Mark Waid’s run, still my benchmark for the character.  King also disappoints me by having Batgirl specifically prevent Harley from killing Booster Gold. Don’t tease me like that.  

If only she'd stopped at seven.

This is yet another filler issue, with only two left to go.  But it’s still got great art and King’s has a nice ear for dialog, so net positive.  

Skyward 11
There are some serious storytelling problems this month:

There's no gravity.  How is she coming back down?

The time jump between the previous page and this one is jarring.

But still fun, still beautiful.

Ironheart 4
I feel like it’s been forever since the last issue came out.  Anyway. Lots of bad guy origin story this issue, which conveniently disappears Midnight’s Fire’s twin halfway through the retelling.  I’m sure that’s not going to become a plot point down the road. By the way, having a possessive in your name is just poor form.

Detective Comics 1000
I really shouldn’t have gotten this.  These anthologies are never worth the price.  My micro impressions:
  1. Snyder/Capullo - Lame, implausible story about a guild of detectives that Slam Bradley and Martian Manhunter somehow got into first.  
  2. Kevin Smith/Jim Lee - Turns out the metal chestplate under the bat symbol was made from the melted down gun that killed Bruce’s parents.  Okay...that’s just a touch too morbid for my tastes.
  3. Dini/Nguyen - Tale of the most incompetent henchman ever.  Moderately amusing even with the pushing-it-a-bit-too-far twist at the end.
  4. Ellis/Cloonan - Has Ellis completely lost his talent for writing good comics at this point?
  5. Denny O’Neil/Epting - Horrible.
  6. Priest/Neal Adams - Incomprehensible.
  7. Bendis/Maleev - Moderately amusing.
  8. Geoff Johns/Kelley Jones - Made no sense, and pointless to boot.
  9. Tynion IV/Alvaro Martinez-Bueno (The first artist I don’t recognize) - Unnecessary addendum to the Robin origin story.
  10. Tom King/Tony Daniel & Joelle Jones - King again shines with the banter, it’s very Bendis.


My first time identifying a colorist before seeing the name.  The Batgirl costume tipped me off.  (See Morey's work in Heroes in Crisis above.)

The nice moments aren’t worth the junk that I had to slog through.

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