Saturday, December 16, 2023

New comics

I’m so behind on new comics.

Penguin 4

Plots within plots within plots.  I’m not sure if I buy this mastermind persona for Penguin, but Tom King writes it awfully well.  

Birds of Prey 4

What a great issue of action from Kelly Thompson and Leonardo Romero.

Transformers 3

It’s a good thing Darren Warren Johnson’s art is so great, because the story isn’t anything to write home about.  

Crave 1

A nifty premise about an app that grants your deepest desire.  In the hands of high schoolers, this means a lot of sex.  I’m definitely intrigued.  

Avengers 8

Jed Mackay keeps this on my pull list for at least another month with this fun take on the Knights of the Round Table.  I also like his take on a Thor who has no problem swallowing his pride in order to accomplish what’s important.

Fantastic Four 14

Ryan North continues to nail these fun, imaginative done-in-one issues.  This one’s about an app that can predict and influence the future.  Neat stuff that’s probably not out of the realm of possibility, which makes it scary.

Wonder Woman 2-3

Can Tom King be the first person in history to write a Wonder Woman series that I actually like?  (Oh, I forgot Legend of Wonder Woman.)  This is off to a really good start, starring a Wonder Woman who exudes confidence, strength, and effortless grace.  Plus, Damian and Jon babysitting Lizzie is excellent.

Somna 1

Purchased solely on the strength of Tula Lotay’s art.  This is some kind of erotic thriller about a sexually repressed wife during the witch trials in America.  I honestly can’t tell if the story’s any good, but the art certainly is.

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