Wednesday, December 6, 2023

MCU Good Parts


Current rank: 7 of 33

Before rewatch:

  • Scenes I love: Huh.  This is an excellent movie, but there are no specific scenes that stand out.  It’s generally above average

  • Expectations: I’ll be keeping most of this, I think.  Cutting the non-Avengers stuff.

Rewatch stats:

  • Time to process: 34:00

  • Length of cut scenes: 18:55

  • Length of iffy scenes: 2:33

  • Length of total movie: 2:22:45

  • % with cut scenes: 87%

  • % with iffy scenes: 85%

  • Hero scenes kept: 93%

  • Villain scenes kept: 63%

  • Action scenes kept: 78%

  • Time of scenes I love: 7:15

After rewatch: There’s a chunk of the final fight that I love, starting w/ “I’m always angry” to the iconic camera spin around the heroes through to Hulk punching Thor post-battle.  And there’s “Puny god.”  Don’t know how I forgot about that.

Iron Man 3

Current rank: 19 of 33

Before rewatch:

  • Scenes I love: Hmm.  Nothing particularly comes to mind…Barrel of monkeys?  Maybe.

  • Expectations: Guy Pea rce is wasted here.  This is an anti-Captain America, I generally think less of it every time I watch it.

Rewatch stats:

  • Time to process: 45:00

  • Length of cut scenes: 13:06

  • Length of iffy scenes: 56:16

  • Length of total movie: 2:10:09

  • % with cut scenes: 90%

  • % with iffy scenes: 47%

  • Hero scenes kept: 50%

  • Villain scenes kept: 20%

  • Action scenes kept: 44%

  • Time of scenes I love: 0:00

After rewatch: Yep, there’s nothing in this movie that I love.  And while there was little that I wanted to outright cut, almost an hour of this movie is in the iffy zone, by far the most of any movie I’ve done so far.

The question, then: Would I rank this higher than something like Thor?  Yeah, I think so.  The highs are still higher, I think.

Thor 2

Current rank: 30 of 33

Before rewatch:

  • Scenes I love:  Hrm.  Jane has like one cute moment while she’s getting scanned.  And the kiss at the end is very sweet.  That’s about it…

  • Expectations: I had this running in the background just a few days ago.  It didn’t suck, but it wasn’t good.  Don’t expect to keep anything w/ Malekith.

Rewatch stats:

  • Time to process: 82:00

  • Length of cut scenes: 39:34

  • Length of iffy scenes: 21:10

  • Length of total movie: 1:51:48

  • % with cut scenes: 65%

  • % with iffy scenes: 46%

  • Hero scenes kept: 65%

  • Villain scenes kept: 31%

  • Action scenes kept: 45%

  • Time of scenes I love: 1:13

After rewatch: 

  • This one felt long to get through.

  • Scenes I liked the most: Thor taking the subway and his final reunion w/ Jane.  Not the most ringing of endorsements.

New rankings:

  1. Avengers

  2. Captain America

  3. Iron Man 2

  4. Iron Man

  5. Iron Man 3

  6. Thor

  7. Thor 2

  8. Hulk

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