Thursday, December 14, 2023

MCU Good Parts

Black Panther

Current rank: 11 of 33

Before rewatch:

  • Scenes I love: Anything with Shuri, Okoye, or M’Baku.  Battle rhinos.  The casino fight.

  • Expectations: The second half of the movie is way worse than the first half.  Rewatchability plummets after Killmonger defeats T’Challa in single combat.  That’s where a ton of cuts will happen, I think.

Rewatch stats:

  • Time to process: 49:00

  • Length of cut scenes: 22:36

  • Length of iffy scenes: 30:39

  • Length of total movie: 2:14:18

  • % with cut scenes: 83%

  • % with iffy scenes: 60%

  • Hero scenes kept: 76%

  • Villain scenes kept: 47%

  • Action scenes kept: 73%

  • Time of scenes I love: 3:52

After rewatch: As amazing of an actor as Michael B Jordan is, and as compelling of a villain as Killmonger is, I don’t actually enjoy watching him all that much.  The vision quests drag and that final train battle is supremely disappointing.  

At least the rest of the cast is so much fun to watch.  Black Panther reinforces, once again, that it’s the superior casting and characters that make the MCU sing.

I’m having a tough time deciding if I like this more or less than Captain America.  Doesn’t help that I’m passing out.  I’ll revisit this tomorrow.

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