Tuesday, December 12, 2023

MCU Good Parts

Spider-Man: Homecoming

Current rank: 14 of 33

Before rewatch:

  • Scenes I love: Tom Holland is just a joy to watch as Peter Parker.  MJ is equally, if not more, awesome.  Anything that’s high school-related is fun.

  • Expectations: And yet, I don’t know if I’ve watched this movie in its entirety even three times.  I can’t put my finger on why this is not a rewatchable for me.

Rewatch stats:

  • Time to process: 1:37:00

  • Length of cut scenes: 9:50

  • Length of iffy scenes: 0:00

  • Length of total movie: 2:13:01

  • % with cut scenes: 93%

  • % with iffy scenes: 93%

  • Hero scenes kept: 100%

  • Villain scenes kept: 100%

  • Action scenes kept: 100%

  • Time of scenes I love: 35:31

After rewatch: I still don’t know why this isn’t more rewatchable.  This took forever to get through because I was watching everything, it was so fun.  The high school scenes are great, the Washington Monument scene is breathtaking, and the whole sequence where Toomes is revealed to Peter gives me shivers.  The only things I cut are the credits.  This is a great movie.  

This, like with Guardians, is a case where the film is better than a lot of the films above it, but for some reason isn’t as rewatchable.  As evidenced by the fact that this is maybe the third time I’ve seen it all (most) of the way through, loved it, and would still rather watch Avengers or Captain America tomorrow.  

  1. Captain America: Civil War

  2. Captain America: Winter Soldier

  3. Avengers: Age of Ultron

  4. Avengers

  5. Captain America

  6. Spider-Man: Homecoming

  7. Iron Man 2

  8. Iron Man

  9. Ant-Man

  10. Dr Strange

  11. Iron Man 3

  12. Thor

  13. Thor 2

  14. Guardians of the Galaxy

  15. Guardians of the Galaxy 2

  16. Hulk

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