Saturday, December 9, 2023

MCU Good Parts


Current rank: 18 of 33

Before rewatch:

  • Scenes I love:  Luis.  Obviously.  Other than that?  Not sure.

  • Expectations:  I like this movie as a set up for the much-better Ant Man and the Wasp.  But Yellowjacket is not up there on the list of memorable villains, and there’s zero Michelle Pfeiffer.

Rewatch stats:

  • Time to process: 45:00

  • Length of cut scenes: 8:53

  • Length of iffy scenes: 13:20

  • Length of total movie: 1:56:53

  • % with cut scenes: 92%

  • % with iffy scenes: 81%

  • Hero scenes kept: 87%

  • Villain scenes kept: 78%

  • Action scenes kept: 75%

  • Time of scenes I love: 3:31

After rewatch: Wow, I kept a lot more of this than I expected.  The Darren Cross stuff is surprisingly watchable.  It definitely comes below Captain America, but it’s so hard to compare it w/ the Iron Mans.  I think I’d rather watch RDJ than Paul Rudd, as charming as both he and this movie are.  It’s close, though.  Really close.

  1. Captain America: Winter Soldier

  2. Avengers: Age of Ultron

  3. Avengers

  4. Captain America

  5. Iron Man 2

  6. Iron Man

  7. Ant-Man

  8. Iron Man 3

  9. Thor

  10. Thor 2

  11. Guardians of the Galaxy

  12. Hulk

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